Welcome to the new MyCanadianAxent.com

Posted by Diane Axent on  July 20, 2017
Category: Uncategorized
Say hello. Have we met yet? I’ll be in to say hello whenever I can.

8 Comments on Welcome to the new MyCanadianAxent.com

  1. Hi Diane!

    Your website looks great. Love all the detail and stories. Can’t wait to come back and see more.

    • My web designers, Courtney & Ben, did a pretty amazing job working alongside me to get My Canadian Axent up. They developed this website with my vision & input as their priority. Still more to add–audio interviews, stories, pictures, product to sell and places to market–we’ll do it over the next months. As web designers I’d recommend them to anyone–they are a success already. I’m more than happy with their work! Tell them what you think.

  2. Writing a funeral today. The washer chugs, tunes on the radio somewhere in the house but the sun shines, someone’s mover is cranking and another neighbour is pounding his walls out in a mad furry to fill the dumpster on his front lawn. And my company from NB is cleaning, fixin’ things and feeding me…played a few tunes for a friend who dropped in yesterday… and does dishes… nice. It’s been a big month of one thing after another in full throttle and that put off my site downloads… but they’re coming soon so keep in touch and tell me what’s going on in your day. I’d really like to know. Maybe you’re in full throttle, too.

  3. Hello I love this site it is so calming to look at. I like how everything is listed and written so well. Diane you have always been a gentle sole, so loving and caring you were meant for this line of work. I have known you for many years and you always have inspired me. Please keep up the wonderful work that you do and never change for anyone, be you and be very proud. Until we see each other again take care hugs Rhonda

  4. The last time I plugged in (I had a lot of spam issues that my webdesigner has taken care of beautifully now – and I was off track for a bit – life turned me around for a bit) – – well it was when I was focused on writing a Celebration of Life Service, too. The way life turns us in directions we could never have imagined. If you’d told me this at any past tracks of ours, Rhonda, we wouldn’t have believed it. Now I am writing the script for your beloved mom, Eileen Milne, my friend. You and your family have been tender to my heart – – you’re words so touching to me as one never knows how another sees us unless we are told/shown- – each of us trying to survive & go forward in our authentic self-light. As you do so brilliantly. See you on Saturday in honor of Eileen and ties that invisiability bind

  5. Diane Axent afficianted my Sister in law’s celebration of life. From my initial meeting to the closing remarks at the church she supported me as if we had been life long friends. The comfort went beyond her personal caring to extending herself in thoughtful follow up messages to members of the family. Without her well organized, empathetic and very professional skills l would have been lost. I know anyone who meets her feels her sincerity and is blessed to get to know her. My recommendation to all is to seek her out and feel the comfort and joy she provides to any occasion. Thank you, Diane for being such a delightful spirit and one that has touched our family’s lives. Your devotion to helping others comes from your huge heart. Thank you from Krystyna Engel’s family in:
    British Columbia, Ontario, Nova Scotia (Canada), North Carolina, Florida, New Mexico (USA), Sadiv (Ukraine), and Warsaw (Poland).
    God Bless You!

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