Officiant Fees start at $200 and when adding on any extra expenses shown here can go to $450. I am always going to work within a couple’s budget. Your Final Amount Due is based completely on my services requested & provided.
Guideline for Final Amount Due:
- Template Only Marriage Ceremony — you just want the required script provided for NS Government’s Civil Marriage Ceremony
- Personalized Wedding Service/Marriage Ceremony — this is where I get to craft an original script with “wow power” (it will then be added to the legal service called: NS Government Civil Marriage Ceremony)
- Ceremony Selection & Ideas Guide — is provided to you and once completed is returned in order to help me decide what is wanted/expected and allows me to understand who you are as individuals, a couple or family, before I start organizing / formatting / writing a ceremony
- Experience — my experience, writing skills, confident delivery is priceless
- Location — can be my home / your pick / challenging destinations / etc.
- Mileage Expense — takes into account travel & fuel
- Hours Spent on your behalf — crafting your script using email or phone / research to fill your wishes / personal contacts / number of adjustments to meet the wants and needs of a couple
- Wedding Party Entry into the Ceremony — can be discussed / arranged / a written guide provided and a walk through done at the rehearsal
- Keepsake Package — can be created to cherish the memory of your Ceremony
- Rehearsal — Government set rate Wedding Ceremony Rehearsal is $100