Telling a Story
Every life is a story. Every person has their own one-of-a-kind story that weaves in and out of all of life’s most memorable moments – good, bad or just plain challenging. By making no apology for a life and taking no hostages to blame your life on, a life-story is extremely fascinating even to strangers. Here’s a little proof: How many people do you hear say this about themselves; “I should write a book!”
Humans are individual, diverse and private thinkers with their life-chapter in progress when a special event unfolds or when a life comes to a close. Imagine how important that human’s life-story was to at least one person. If that singular life is talked about to an audience of one or more people, relatives or strangers, I guarantee you will not be bored. If the speaker is good then be prepared to be in held in awe of some truths that could bring you to tears, make you think, laugh out loud or just be amazed.
A storyteller knows this and will meet the public, professional and personal needs of an audience in the most respectful and meaningful way as possible.
My Passionate Heart
I want to create opportunity for the forgotten stories to be told.
People have interesting things happening to them every day. People who inspire me by just being their somewhat normal self are the ones I want to say; “Can we talk – do you want to tell your story?”
In every ceremony I perform or story I tell, I want to do so with honesty but also with as many crazy silly and fun uptakes as possible. I say a private prayer that the sharing will not be about me, but that it will be about the ceremony, the story, the idea, the people I was given the honor to portray or represent. I ask for guidance to do so in the best possible way as to not have the focus be on me but shine on the purpose of my presence.
Be it a Celebration of Life event or a wedding experience, I wish only to share a script or give ideas that will inspire new perspectives on old perceptions. I want my passionate heart to create opportunity for another to say; “I didn’t know that about them” or “I felt she was speaking to my own heart and I feel awaken.”
I have spent thousands of hours preparing and delivering public announcements and ceremonies.